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​Governing Body


Our Governors are representatives of the local community, parents, school staff and work closely with the Trustee Board of SLP Multi Academy Trust.  They bring a range of interests knowledge and skills to the school whilst working in a voluntary capacity.


Our Governing Body is responsible in partnership with SLP for ensuring that the school is run to promote the very best of outcomes for children.


Its duties include:

  • supporting the Trust Board and the School's Senior Leadership Team in setting strategic direction, school policies and objectives


  • providing appropriate challenge and support to the headteacher


The Governing Body is made up of:

  • parents governors (elected by parents)

  • staff representatives (elected by school staff)

  • community governors (appointed by the governing body)

  • A Trustee can be invited to attend Governor's meetings at anytime during each academic year.

Governor Structure

Governor Pen Portraits

Mrs Susan Scott – Chair of Governors

I was given the opportunity to become a Parent Governor in June 2013. I have one son Alex who started Annfield Plain Infant School in September 2012. As a Parent, I am keen to do what I can to contribute positively to our children’s education. I work for Gateshead School Catering Service as Operations Manager and have over 20 years of experience in providing children with nutritiously balanced meals. I am delighted to be working with a great team at a great school, spending time in school and being able to see and report back to the other Governors the excellent progress being made.


Mrs Helen Dryden – Vice Chair, Co-opted Governor

I have been a Parent Governor since 2013. I have two children, Hannah and Daniel who have attended both Annfield Plain Infant and Junior School. My role as a Governor allows me to give something back to the school for all they have done and continue to do for my children. In my working life, I am Operations Manager for a company that provides Day Care and have been there for 20 years.


Mrs Donna Northey – Parent Governor

I have lived in Annfield Plain all my life and I myself attended Annfield Plain Infant & Junior school. My daughter came to this school and is now at Annfield Plain Junior School.  I have been a parent governor since February 2015.


Mrs Helen Lolachi – Parent Governor

I have been a parent governor since February 2016 and I am really enjoying the role. I have two children who have and do attend this school. I believe that schools are the heart of the community and regularly volunteer at the school. I also run playgroups around Annfield Plain.


Mrs Joanne Williams

I have been working as a Headteacher for the past 15 years and transitioned from the role of Headteacher of a Local Authority School to that of a Headteacher within the SLP Trust.

My experience and skill set will initially support the Governing Body to both work with and where appropriate, challenge the HT and School in all key aspects including safeguarding and performance


Mr Martin Urwin – Headteacher

I have been teaching in Durham Local Authority for 12 years across 4 different schools. I am currently Acting Head Teacher at Annfield Plain Infant School and the Early Years Lead across the trust. During my time here, I have seen how important the role of the governing body is and I am delighted to be a part of this team.


Mrs Kath Clayson – Staff Representative 

I have been a teacher at Annfield Plain Infant School for the last 20 years. Currently, I am Acting Deputy Head, SENCO and History Lead across the Trust. Prior to working at Annfield Plain Infants, I taught in two primary schools in Lancashire and Cumbria. I am delighted to be the staff representative on the governing body.


Mrs Tracey Storey - Trust Representative 

With 30 years of dedicated teaching experience and governance roles in two different schools, I offer a range of expertise and insight to support the continuous improvement of Annfield Plain Infant School.  Currently serving as acting head teacher and having held the role of deputy head for the past 13 years, I have honed my leadership skills and developed a deep understanding of effective school management. My passion for Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), coupled with my experience in leading numerous curriculum areas, enables me to bring a well-rounded and forward-thinking approach to governance. 


Statutory Guidance for Governing Bodies

Annfield Plain Infant School adhere to the statutory guidance from the Department of Education. This means that governing bodies must have regard to it when carrying out duties relating to the constitution of governing bodies in maintained schools.

The Constitution of Governing Bodies of Maintained Schools (2017)


How To Become A School Governor

If you require further information on the roles and responsibilities of School Governors or you are interested in becoming one, visit the Durham County Council website School Governor section.

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