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Phonics and Reading

Read, Write Inc

Here at Annfield Plain Infant school, we believe that reading is absolutely vital to happiness, success and fully accessing the richness of the curriculum. To teach early reading, we use Read, Write Inc. This is a synthetic phonics program of study that ensures that all children learn the sounds that letters make, how to read them in words and write them in sentences. This is taught across school, by all staff at the same time. If any child is finding it challenging, we have swift and effective tutoring programs that run every afternoon to ensure that children “keep up” rather than trying to “catch up”. Throughout the year, we will run parent sessions to help ensure that our families are as comfortable with the approach as we are and that together, we can make an incredible difference to our children’s lives.


Read, Write Inc ensures that children learn the basics of reading and decoding but our wonderful book spine across school enables our children to be emersed in carefully selected, high quality texts. Here is our whole school book spine which allows our children windows into new worlds and mirrors into their own.


We are also passionate about Poetry. Our Poetry spine is designed is designed to ensure that all children have access and exposure to key poems across their time with us. We also share poems in assemblies and collective worship. 


Martin Urwin
Annfield Plain Infant School – English Co-ordinator

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